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Governor Marc Racicot and ServeNext October 14, 2008

Posted by Zach Maurin in Uncategorized.

Governor Marc Racicot has joined ServeNext to urge the next Congress to support a new era of national//www.alliedcapital.com/images/people/MarcRacicot.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. service in America. With challenges at home and abroad and the yearning of citizens to get involved, this is a critical moment to call upon American to serve and to create more opportunities to do so.

Mr. Racicot, former Governor of Montana (1993-2001) and former Chairman of the Republican National Committee (2003-04), has co-signed a letter with ServeNext urging congressional candidates to support expansion of opportunities to serve in proven and cost-effective initiatives:

Here is an excerpt from the letter:

Service is an American tradition that empowers individuals and addresses our common needs while engendering a sense of responsibility for our future. With one million high school dropouts annually, another six million children without a safe place to go after school, and the needs after natural disasters it is clear that we must to do more to call upon America’s greatest resource – our citizens – to tackle these challenges.

Amid the economic and emotional uncertainty this is the exact time to empower individuals to take an active role in securing our future. Both Senators McCain and Obama believe this. Each are strong supporters of service and both have co-sponsored the bi-partisan Serve America Act introduced by Senators Kennedy and Hatch (full list of co-sponsors).

There are many tough decisions awaiting the next Congress. Calling on Americans to play a role to get through these challenges needs to be a priority. Governor Racicot, Senators Hatch and Kennedy, and the next president emphatically support this. The rest of Congress should too.


1. Niraja Golightly - November 20, 2008

Montana, and in particular Missoula’s history of service makes me proud to be a Montanan and proud of your representation, Governor. Thank you!

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